About TIIG

Overview and Objectives

The Trauma and Injury Intelligence Group (TIIG) was initially set up in Merseyside in 2001, developed through a multi-agency steering group which included primary care trusts (PCTs), emergency departments (EDs), police, Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships (CDRPs), universities, the fire and rescue service and the North West Ambulance Service. Based with the Public Health Intelligence Unit at the Public Health Institute, Liverpool John Moores University, TIIG was established to develop an injury monitoring system for the routine collection of deliberate and unintentional injury data. The purpose of the TIIG monitoring system is to enable systematic data collection, sharing and use across the North West of England, with the aims of:

  • Enabling the identification and monitoring of trends in intentional and unintentional injuries;
  • Assisting local partners (e.g. health services, police, community safety partnerships) on injury intelligence;
  • Enhancing ED datasets to support local public health priorities;
  • Informing injury prevention strategies through needs assessment;
  • Providing a more sophisticated evaluation of the impact of interventions;
  • Identifying at-risk groups; and,
  • Providing the opportunity to benchmark.

The use of the Trauma and Injury Intelligence Group Injury Surveillance System

TIIG promotes the use of injury data provided through the ISS amongst local agencies by publishing and distributing monthly reports, along with a range of themed reports such as Childhood Injuries and Assaults. TIIG also works with local partners and EDs to address any gaps in injury data, in particular by helping EDs to enhance datasets to collect extra information on falls, childhood injuries, alcohol and violence.

The additional violence information (e.g. specific location of assault) collected by a number of EDs is collated by TIIG into monthly and bi-weekly reports and distributed to a range of agencies working to prevent violence including community safety partnerships (CSPs), police, licensing authorities, NHS trusts and local councils’ public health teams. These data help the police and licensing authorities identify hotspot areas for assaults, providing information for targeted policing and license reviews.

Specifically, emergency services data have been used by a variety of agencies to inform, monitor and evaluate prevention strategies. Area of residence data have enabled interventions to target at-risk groups and communities. The following are examples of how data provided by the TIIG ISS have been used locally:

  • Road traffic accident data have informed the use of Neighbourhood Renewal Fund resources to prevent road traffic accidents;
  • Specific location of assault data, in conjunction with other data sources, have been used to help inform strategic policing and licence reviews;
  • Data on falls within the home have been used by PCTs and local councils to identify at-risk groups;
  • Data have been used to evaluate the impact of Alcohol Misuse Enforcement Campaigns and the Licensing Act 2003;
  • Childhood injury data have been used to inform, monitor and evaluate Sure Start initiatives;
  • Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) have used data from local EDs to target their advertising campaigns at high-risk communities across Merseyside; and,
  • Data on young people attending EDs with an alcohol-related injury have been used to inform the development and implementation of Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategies.

A brief introduction to TIIG, and a demonstration of one of the uses of TIIG data in our VRU data hub dashboard.

Public Health Institute

The Public Health Institute (PHI) is a research and teaching institute based within the Faculty of Health at Liverpool John Moores University. The research centre formerly called the Centre for Public Health (CPH) became a research institute and was renamed as the Public Health Institute on 1st August 2016.

We offer expertise in a range of methodologies including epidemiology and statistics, qualitative research, participatory methods, systematic reviews and evaluation. PHI draws from a wide range of Honorary Lecturers and Professors based in the health services and other public bodies, both in the UK and abroad, in order to support multi-disciplinary approaches to public health.