Featured Reports

A selection of our TIIG themed reports, all our reports can be found on the Public Health Institute website here  

Reducing intentional and unintentional injuries is a key objective of local councils, public health professionals, service providers and other organisations that make up Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs). EDs can play a central and leading role, not only in providing rich and timely data, but in providing objective and informed recommendations for targeted prevention measures and interventions. This Trauma and Injury Intelligence Group (TIIG) report presents an overview of intentional and unintentional injuries in Cumbria using ED and NWAS data collected between April 2014 and March 2017. This report contextualises ED and NWAS data by providing an overview of the population of Cumbria and socioeconomic factors such as deprivation. Whilst ED data collection in generally excellent in Cumbria, data quality improvements are discussed, particularly within the context of specific injury groups and enhanced assault information.

Violence is a preventable public health problem and yet there are over one million violent incidents each year in England and Wales, approximately half of which involve alcohol and one quarter of which occur in night time economy environments. Between April 2013 and March 2016 there were 14,427 injury attendances to Lancashire Accident and Emergency Departments (AEDs) by residents of Lancashire for injuries sustained from violence. This TIIG Lancashire report presents data and analyses relating to alcohol-related violence; where data were recorded, alcohol was consumed prior to an assault attendance in 44% of incidents. This report presents AED attendances for violence across Lancashire in terms of demographics, area of residence, attendance rates and attendance information (including incident location, referral source, arrival mode and disposal method) between April 2013 and March 2016. Using alcohol-related data collected by two of the trusts, case studies are also provided for Chorley, Preston, South Ribble and West Lancashire local authorities.

Falls are the second leading cause of death from accidents worldwide and adults aged over 65 years suffer the greatest number of fatal falls. Between April 2013 and March 2016 there were 63,398 ambulance call outs and 17,182 emergency hospital admissions for falls in Lancashire. This TIIG Lancashire report presents data and analyses relating to call outs and emergency hospital admissions for falls using North West Ambulance Service (NWAS) and Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) data. Trends are presented in terms of demographics, call out locations, and patient geography; comparisons are also drawn between NWAS and HES data, particularly in terms of age standardised rates per 1,000 population for given geographical areas.

Violence is a preventable public health problem and yet there are over one million violent incidents each year in England and Wales, approximately half of which involve alcohol and one quarter of which occur in night time economy environments. Between April 2013 and March 2016 there were 14,427 injury attendances to Lancashire Emergency Departments (EDs) by residents of Lancashire for injuries sustained from violence. This TIIG Lancashire report presents data and analyses relating to the locations of violence, specifically in terms of patient area of residence, as determined by Emergency Department (ED) data, and call out location, as determined by North West Ambulance Service (NWAS) data. Trends are also presented in terms of demographic compositions of assault attendances/call outs, deprivation and, in terms of ED data, incident location categories and attendance details. Analyses also compare ED data (patient geography) with NWAS data (location geography), particularly in terms of attendance/call out numbers and rates by Local/Unitary Authority areas and Lower Super Output Areas (LSOAs).

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